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Page history last edited by ibu iah 9 years, 2 months ago



Tv, internet or tv online website ie sites that have video content that concept, constantly updated constantly, not static, follow the changes that took place moments around the neighborhood, and can be opened by the public with a free way, with a variety of forms of distribution. In order to access it, we just need menguhubungkan to our personal computer with a broadband Internet connection subscriptions. Internet TV is often also referred to as Television on the Desktop (TOD), TV over IP (Television over Internet Protocol) or Internet Protocol TV, Vlog, and vodcast. Internet TV is not the same as a conventional tv public. Both are indeed showing a lot of the same events, but the tv Internet more variety than the common local tv stations we see at home or subscribe to cable TV. Internet TV is the public airing in a personal way by some users of the Internet or can be by a group of people or a large TV company which also have service tv on-line on the Internet.


Today, service tv tv online or Internet is already widely used by some Internet users, both to see the events or broadcasts are interesting and entertaining. Many are also present which make tv on-line has personal and can be opened by several people as well as info it says also kept turning like public television broadcasts. In most TV On-line website on the Internet, many of which have been broadcast immediately broadcast by means of the various types of themes, ranging from their personal lives, or more similar to reality shows, guiding one thing or hobby, the latest news from around the world, until bring some celebrity's personal life abroad. Now is also a few people who can do the broadcast with priadi way throughout the 24-hour or general referred lifecaster. The tools used are also very simple, just enough to wear a video camera, computer, and Internet connection.

 Broadcasting techniques

Through this technique, we can download a variety of diverse video broadcast tv or existing events on the RSS syndication. This technique is the development of vodcast. There are many applications that support this technique, including Miro, Blinkx, and Joost. Applications that have benefits to record some events from most websites, and visitors just select what events are going to be seen, so the application that will soon be aired immediately broadcast that we specify or mengunduhkan the event.
Streaming techniques

Streaming is a step serving immediately a multimedia data from the server to the service provider our personal computer. The faster the Internet connection we use, so it will be more quickly and smoothly also show it can be rotated. For example, is available on YouTube as well as most other similar websites. The beginning, the format used is QuickTime Movie (. Mov), currently more widely used format is Flash Video (. Flv).

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